Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Build Your Ideal Practice Audio by David Steele

Please take a moment to listen to this audio. It's about building your practice in a powerful way. I think you'll love it. David Steele, MA, LMFT is founder of Relationship Coaching Institute and BuildingYourIdealPractice.com, author of the ground-breaking book for singles "Conscious Dating: Finding the Love of Your Life in Today's World."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Free Small Office Home Office Service

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here's a service for Small Office Home Office folks. It's another free service to help you learn more about how to promote your business. Just click on the SohoMatic icon above

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10th SBOPN Meetup

Well here we are just a few days from Christmas and a few more until the start of 2008. I do hope you're up and going during this time of year telling people about your business. Believe it or not people have open hearts. Oh, don't worry about the ones who don't have the funds to afford what you offer. There are plenty of people who still have the money they need to get what they want. If it's a home or if it's flowers, people will buy what they want.

I wanted to report a great time of networking and prayer today. Alex is one of our early risers who attends our SBOPN meetup on Monday's when he can can. Somehow we started talking about the vision of SBOPN and we were discussing how many home based business owners there are who have children. The home based business arena is exploding like wild fire. The thing that's makes working from home so appealing is being able to raise your children and even home school them while making a great living from home.

Here's the great networking tip that Alex was able to give us. Based on his own personal experience as a person who works from home and home schools his kids he was able to pass along a lead for people in similar situations. If you know anybody who is paying hundreds of dollars for home school curriculum you might want take a look at the California Virtual Academy. Can you say free? Here's a website you'll want to investigate yourself or pass along to someone else. www.caliva.org has a lot to offer. I would encourage you to strongly take a look.

One of the other things we talked about was connecting with home base business owners. One of our goals is to offer a place for their children while they network with the SBOPN. Do you think they might be receptive if we provided a place for their children to connect with other home schooled children? What about they themselves having an opportunity to connect with people who like to network and in particular other home based business owners?

Listen, I could go on and on. I do wish you the absolute best this Christmas season. Hope to see you soon. Remember it's 7:00 am Monday or 11:30 am Wednesday.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced