Thursday, November 22, 2007

5 Tips for Christian Business Owners by Chris Bloor

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are you ready to get serious?

What will it take for homebased business owners to take our businesses more seriously? Often in the past I have just thought of and treated my homebased business as a hobby. It's only been something that I played around with becauase it made me "feel good." The fact of the matter was that I just clearly didn't understand what I had.

Are you in business for yourself working from home? If you are or you have a brick and mortar business, it's imperative that you and I take our businesses serious every everyday. We have to remember the reason we started doing what we do. For some reason we initially sought out or we were recruited to an opportunity that just got us excited to get going. The question is what are we going to do now?

I know for me I am so passionate about what I offer that I just can't contain myself. Right now I'm on a "comunication blitz" contacting suspects, prospects and my existing clients. Without giving you the sense that I'm going over the top or being overly emotional, I'm just hoping I can encourage you to get on fire about what you do and the product or service you offer. This is the season to get up and get going. It's time to talk to people and talk to more people. It's time to push the envelope and make your dreams become reality.

If you can sense my passion, it's probably because you have a similar passion. Will you join me letting the business owners you come in contact with know that there's a place for them. The Small Biz Prayer Network is a place for business owners to receive prayer, encouragement and network with others of like faith. Will you get on board with me spreading the word that our network exists to see prosperity come to small business owners. This is more than just another networking group. This is more than just a prayer group. This is a group that "will" see God use Christian business owners in a capacity like no other time. Christian business owners in my opinion are God's endtime evangelists. Everyday business owners are influencing their employees, their vendors, their customers and prospects. What a great opportunity to not only provide your wonderful products and services. This is a day where beyond earning more money than we ever have before, it's more important for us as business owners to come to the realization that our purpose is much more than that.

I'm not here to tell you your purpose but I can guarantee you that it's certainly more than earning more money to acquire more stuff. I hope you've discovered it because the more business owners who are pursuing their God ordained purpose, the greater effect we'll have in the world.

I've got more to say but I'll save it for later.

Stay blessed,

Ced Reynolds

Friday, November 16, 2007

Another success tip

You've probably heard the statement, "it will work if you work it." We know that prayer is vital if we are to succeed in business. Another reality is that it takes hard work. Hard work is a key that many people who go in business for themselves fail to realize is a reality. Certainly we go into business to earn a profit, have more time freedom, provide for our future and various other reasons. But it's hard work is at the forefront rather we acknowledge it or not. Are you ready to work hard these last days of 2007? Why not press to the end to create massive momentum as you approach 2008.

Here's a plan I work with couple times a quarter. I call it a "communication blitz." I make it my goal to contact a certain number of people in a short window of 3 days. After a time of prayer, I target a group of people to connect with regarding my business. During the blitz I focus on suspects, prospects and clients. Suspects get a chance to see my name again. Prospects get a chance to see or hear more about what I do. Clients get a chance to see or hear about a new or relatively new product I'm offering. The communication blitz is my way of working it. It also keeps me razor focused and lets suspects, prospects and clients know I have purposed to be in their life one way or another.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced
p.s. Here's a secret. I'm presently doing a blitz. If you follow my online activity you'll see me in a lot of places with the same message over and over.
p.p.s Although the message may look different, you'll notice similar phrases that pull suspects, prospects and clients into my offering.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Today was no accident

Hello Small Biz Prayer Networkers,

Great meeting today! Rich, Dave, Gregory and Shameca all made some awesome contributions to our meeting. As we prayed for the collective success of our businesses we also talked briefly about our businesses. You would do yourself proud to get to know:

Dave - a Realtor and appraiser who could help you a couple of different ways.

Rich - a Financial Advisor who can provide for your insurance and investment concerns.

Gregory - a Media consultant who can help you expose your business via television at no cost.

Shameca - a Credit Specialist who can help you get business credit the right way.

One of the key points of conversation during our meeting today was about "grace." The reality of how much each of us have a certain grace to do what we do in business. It was amazing to realize how God has so arranged it that we connect with each other today. No matter what we might think about it our lives don't pass by each other by accident. It's like every shot counting in a golf tournament. One shot could mean the difference between victory and defeat. In our case one relationship could mean the difference between the big break we've been looking for and settling for mediocrity.

Listen, I want to encourage you that you are special in the field of endeavor the Lord has allowed you to be involved with. Please know that your existence in your field is certainly not by accident. No matter how you may feel about what you do and the success you are having, remember, "every relationship counts."

Let's continue to connect as the Lord leads so we can see the outcomes He already knows about.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

1st 11;30 am meeting good success...

Our first late morning meeting was a good thing. I have a saying that, "it's the great people who make a great network meeting." We had some great people attend our first meeting. Special thanks go to Albert, Susie, Shameca, Paul, Harry and Lee. They made our meeting fresh and energetic.

We had a time to pray for our businesses as well as the businesses of those in our network who weren't present. The concept of prayer and networking is working just fine.

As we shared about our businesses and our own personal lives we had an opportunity to discover how we can assist each other with the primary projects we're working on at present. The thing that made me realize the meeting was good was the connecting that was taking place after the meeting. What a thrill to see people connect for the purpose of seeing the Lord glorified in their business activities.

I'll be sharing more about our 11:30 meeting in future blogs. In the mean time I hope you can make the Wednesday November 28, 2007. We'll be having lunch together at Mimi's in Chino, CA in the Spectrum on Grand Avenue. More details will be on the Small Biz Meetup site.

Stay blessed until we connect again,

Pastor Ced

Monday, November 05, 2007

Using Technology in your business

Press Release: Small Biz Prayer Network offers new twist in B2B networking

Hello Small Biz Prayer Networker,

We just finished our Monday morning prayer and networking meeting. Just want you to know we prayed for you and your business to have the best week ever. Also for those of you who are available, we meet for the first time on this Wednesday @ 11:30. Visit the Small Biz Prayer Network for more details.

Short note on what we discussed today

Web Seminars and how to maximize presenting our business to individuals and groups.

Blogs and how to utilize them to better connect with our prospects and clients.

Search Engine Optimization and how to increase our online awareness for free.

Free Online Business Directories and how utilizing them can increase our exposure dramatically.

Something that I think we all deal with is how do we get new customers. Using all the offline approaches is great but we're living in a world that is moving at such a faster pace. Perhaps if we, (yes you and me) took advantage of the online services that are available to us we could join the race that seemingly many of the "big shots" in our industry are utilizing.

I don't know if you realize it but there is more than one way to get up to speed regarding techonology. When you here the word "technology" you might think of dollar signs. It doesn't have to be that way. I know when I first started using the internet back in 1991 I was scared to death. Everything was so complicated. Today things are so much different.

Every one of us can get in the game by simply exploring what's available. The best part about it is that it doesn't cost a cent to investigate. In a lot of cases some of the actual services are free to use. The service providers give their services away for free because the more people who utilize their "branded service" the more exposure they get.

Think about it. If internet exposure is good for service providers who are giving away their services for free, wouldn't internet exposure be good for you and me too?

Feel free to click on any of the links above to get additional information. These are services I use myself to promote the Small Biz Prayer Network as well as our church and my business.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced
Small Biz Prayer Network Meetup

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Maybe it's time you give up

Honestly, what were your thoughts when you read the title? Have you come to the end of your rope? Are you ready to go get a JOB? Do you want to just quit on your dream?Let me tell you something. Whoever said success would be easy was lying. They were probably the same people who said that all it would take is 10-15 hours a week to make a million dollars in a home-based business. All of us know that's not true.

Here's the real deal. It takes hard work and determination to see your plans materialize. For our plans to materialize it takes learning all we can about our business. It should be our goal to be the best at what we do so that we can be the best resource for our clients.

Quitting has to be non-optional. No matter how rough it gets we have to know that the success we're believing God for is just around the corner. God never makes a promise He can't keep. His answer to us is Yes and amen!

Just to make it clear regarding quitting, it's not time to quit. It's time to dig in and plant your feet solidly on the ground and take authority over the circumstances that have tried to keep you down.It's time to rise up with an intestinal fortitude and arm yourself with the knowldege it will take to make a massive difference in the lives of your clients and consequently your business.Say "no" to quitting! Say, "I'm a winner and I will win no matter what!"

There have been so many people who have just given up when they were so close to getting their just reward. You might say, "I'm past the benchmark I set for myself. I said I would hang it up if I didn't reach my goals by this time." Well the fact of the matter is that you have a choice. You can choose to exercise your non-optional choice of quitting or you can find the passion that led you to start your business in the first place.

It's time to make the biggest sell of your life. That's selling yourself. Once you're sold on you and your business, there's no stopping you. You'll have such enthusiasm that people will be curious to find out who you are and what you do. Believe me, when you can say to yourself that, "I am sold myself," you won't ever think of quitting (at least seriously) ever again.

Do this for yourself. Take some time to meditate on why you started your business, then re-write your goals, set some more benchmarks, create an activity plan and work your plan. Lastly, measure your activity and your results along the way and make any necessary adjustments to insure your success.It's time to go up not give up. I know you can do it.

My prayer for you is that you continually seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and trust that He will do what He said, "add all things unto you."

Stay blessed,

Ced - Host of The Entrepreneurial Pastor's Talkcast
(909) 597-3502