Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Today was no accident

Hello Small Biz Prayer Networkers,

Great meeting today! Rich, Dave, Gregory and Shameca all made some awesome contributions to our meeting. As we prayed for the collective success of our businesses we also talked briefly about our businesses. You would do yourself proud to get to know:

Dave - a Realtor and appraiser who could help you a couple of different ways.

Rich - a Financial Advisor who can provide for your insurance and investment concerns.

Gregory - a Media consultant who can help you expose your business via television at no cost.

Shameca - a Credit Specialist who can help you get business credit the right way.

One of the key points of conversation during our meeting today was about "grace." The reality of how much each of us have a certain grace to do what we do in business. It was amazing to realize how God has so arranged it that we connect with each other today. No matter what we might think about it our lives don't pass by each other by accident. It's like every shot counting in a golf tournament. One shot could mean the difference between victory and defeat. In our case one relationship could mean the difference between the big break we've been looking for and settling for mediocrity.

Listen, I want to encourage you that you are special in the field of endeavor the Lord has allowed you to be involved with. Please know that your existence in your field is certainly not by accident. No matter how you may feel about what you do and the success you are having, remember, "every relationship counts."

Let's continue to connect as the Lord leads so we can see the outcomes He already knows about.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Ced

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